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Update 1-6-2011: STUDENT RECRUITMENT CLOSED: both internship positions taken

Are you looking for a research project for your MSc specialisation? AND:

  • Interested in Marine Ecology and Ecosystem wide processes?
  • Would like to participate in fieldwork in the Derawan Archipelago, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
  • Would like to gain experience in fieldwork in an experimental setting and in chemical laboratory technique
  • Highly motivated & enjoys working in field and lab?
  • Interested in being a co-author on a scientific paper?

Then please send a 1-2 page CV and a letter with your motivation to me:

The objective of our project:

The PhD. project is about the interactive feedbacks between seagrass, eutrophication, and (green) turtle grazing. The project focuses on specific mechanisms that drive these processes, including the influence of shading, water-soil chemistry, turtle feeding ecology and the associated algal shifts. Next winter (dec 2011- feb 2012) we’ve planned a second period of fieldwork. We are now looking for students who want to take part in this project for their master’s degree.

  • Type of position: Internship MSc student
  • Institution: Radboud University Nijmegen & NIOO-CEME Yrseke (The Netherlands).
  • Location Fieldwork: East-Kalimantan, Indonesia (3 months)
  • Lab-work: Nijmegen, The Netherlands (2-3 months)
  • Salary: non; student has to apply for funding.(
  • Start date: 21 November 2011, Due to application deadlines of funding (and visa preparations) It is advised to start early <6   month before the start of your project with the preparations.

Students will have opportunity to creatively pursue their own hypothesis-driven research projects within the project. The candidates seeking the position should have a good (marine) ecology background. Details about the project, location and experiences (incl. pictures) of last fieldtrip:

In Dutch:
Studenten gezocht: Stage Mariene Ecologie Indonesie,
Als je op zoek bent naar een buitenlandse stage voor je master in Mariene Ecologie / Biologie lees dan bovenstaande beschrijving even door. Ik ben op zoek naar studenten die bereid zijn om voor hun master project ook veldwerk uit te voeren in het buitenland. Indonesie op het eiland Kalimantan voor verschillende maanden. Heb je interesse, neem dan contact met me op.

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  1. He Marjolein,
    Ziet er inderdaad goed uit die site van je. Hoop dat je dit jaar nog wat studenten weet te vinden voor het onderzoek, hoorde van Jan dat dat dit jaar niet mee viel. Helaas heb ik nu wat geld verdient maar ben ik geen student meer. Mocht je toch veldwerkers in gaan huren dat hoor ik het graag van je ;). Succes met het onderzoek!!!

    groeten Benjamin Backx

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