Don’t let your financial situation prevent you from developing your skills abroad!
Note: Updated Feb 2019. If you are aware of other funding opportunities, let me know so that we can update this list: marjolijn.christianen – at –
Also note that some funds have only 1 deadline a year – so plan accordingly
University specific funding:
- WUR: Wagenings University Funding
- Holland Scholarship Wageningen University Students (1 mei, 1250 euro)
- RUG: Groningen University Fund
- RUN: Radboud University student Fund
- UvA: Volkert van Willigen fonds (deadline?)
- Other University? Ask your international office for a funding opportunity that is applicable to you.
Other, check which fits your specific situation
- Fona conservation (Nature conservation, 1 april, 1 October, 5 January 750 euros)
- Alberta Mennega Stichting voor plantenonderzoek (1 April, 1 August, 1 december, 1.250 euro)
- KNBV Stipendium Botelier (1 Februari, 750 euro)
- Van Eeden fonds – plants Caribbean – (1 mei and 1 november, 1.250 euro)
- Inno funding WNF (30 June, 10.000 euro, not for individual students)
- Treub Maatschappij (15 February and 15 September, 700 MSc, 2.000 euro PhD)
- National Geographic grants (multiple grants)
- Museum of Natural history (USA, multiple grants)
- Fundatie Vrijvrouwe Renswoude (Every 6 weeks, numerous demands (age, 1st education etc)
- Hendrik Muller fonds minimum mean grade of 7.5 for master courses,
- Morzel Bruijns stichting (kunstenaars, documentaire makers)
- Schuurman Schimmel van Outeren (minimal 3 months prior to start project, 2.500 euros,minimum mean grade of 7.5 for master courses)
- stichting international tree fund
- haella stichting (deadline, 1.250 euros),l/
- Suzanne hovinga stichting (1 May and 1 November, only within the Netherlands)
- Stichting triodos fonds (deadline 2 volle kalendermaanden voor aanvang, only within the Netherlands, 1.000-20.000 euros)
- Heineken fonds
- Lucie burgers foundation for comparative research (deadline 01-05)
- Prins Bernhard cultuur fonds voor Natuur (meester prikkebeen fonds) (deadline 11-01)
- KNAW ecology fonds (15 december)
- Behaviour: KNAW dobberde stichting (15 oktober 2015)
- British Ecology Society grants
Females only
- Christine Buisman stichting (deadline 2 volle kalendermaanden vooraanvang)
- Jo Kolk Studiefonds
- Dr. Catharine van Tussenbroek Fonds
- Charlotte Jacobs studiefonds:
- L’oreal for women in Science
For PhD students
- Wageningen Graduate Schools Sandwich PhD
- Rockefeller Foundation
- Ford Foundation
- Nuffic
- the Neys van Hoogstraten Foundation
- There may be more, let me know! Don’t let your financial situation prevent you to develop your skills abroad. Other grants : Beursopener (Nuffic) en Wiki Beursopener, and ask your student coordinator, student dean, or international office