10th ISBW Buzios, Brasil (& sea hares)

The 10th international seagrass biology workshop was a success! Together with seagrass specialists from around the globe we enjoyed 3 days packed with talks & workshops in a resort town of Buzios in Brasil. See WSA’s blog by Sity for a nice overview of the highlights and of the speakers (gallery seagrass watch) It also included …

Seagrass expedition Bank d’Arguin, Mauretania

The Bank d’Arguin is a magnificent place: Not only to see loads of beautiful birds, some marked with colourfull rings as a souvenir from the Netherlands, but also to do seagrass research. Together with Jim de Fouw (our expedition leader), Laura Govers, Tjisse van der Heide en Karin van de Reijden we traveled through the …

Cool new Science paper by Tjisse et al.

Hot of the press.. a cool paper showing the importance of biological interaction in seagrass function (and even restoration) by friends and colleagues. Congratulations! Read it: Read the original paper here: a more popular item here “Three-Way Partnership at the Bottom of the Sea” (including a picture by me): and here an item “Seagrasses Partner With Clams to Stay …